Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee we are pleased to invite you to attend “The 43rd Congress of the Spanish Biochemical and Molecular Biology Society”, to be held online on July 19-22, 2021.
The meeting includes plenary speakers with leading scientists such as Adrian Krainer (Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA), Ana María Cuervo (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA), Anna Akhmanova (Utrecht Univ., Utrecht, The Netherlands) and Barbara Cannon (The Wenner-Gren Institute, Stockholm, Sweden). Similar to other editions, the meeting with include keynote sessions from our counterpart societies from Chile and Argentina as well as the L’Oréal-UNESCO conference.
A central part of the Congress will be the three simultaneous Symposia about top scientific topics and state-of-the-art technologies in the field of Biomedicine. Satellite activities such as the Introduction to Research in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Course, the Annual Meeting of Coordinators of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Degrees in Biochemistry and related subjects, the Workshop on Professional Development for Young Researchers, and multiple Biochemistry in the City activities will be held during these days. The traditional Society Prizes (Young Investigator-IBUB, Margarita Lorenzo- Lilly Foundation, Young SEBBM Member’s Best Article-UCM, José Tormo Award-Bruker Española, Best Scientific Image of the Year-CerTest Biotec, Social Network Award-SEBBM and 4 Posters Prizes-FEBS Letters & SEBBM) will be also an important part of the program.
All participants are welcome to visit the stands of the sponsoring companies to which we truly thank for their support.
The SEBBM-Barcelona-2021 meeting is a great opportunity for young and senior researchers to establish new collaborations, foster networking relationships and make contacts for joint projects.
We encourage you to join us!
Best wishes,
Manuel Serrano (Organizer)
Laura Herrero (Co-organizer)
Isabel Varela (President of SEBBM)